Thursday, February 11

Back to Peru this Tuesday!

My return ticket to Peru is this Tuesday, and school starts the first week of March. Pledges and donations are beginning to come in, and I am once again humbled by the generosity of God's people. I am also anxious since I still have a LONG way to go before meeting my $600-$700 per month goal. To those of you have committed for the next year, THANK you and please feel free to send donations immediately.

Quite a bit of my current financial "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" factor is simply a result of not having the "nest egg" funds we thought we'd have at the end of last year. God has taken care of us and provided miraculously for Cindy's medical care, but we're still waiting on a (large) insurance check and came back with less than we hoped.  There are a lot of needs that I was planning on purchasing while home in the States (shoes, some clothing, special supplies, etc) that I'm not able to afford right now. I'm having to pick and choose what is TRULY needed right now and what can be put off and sent later somehow. 

I know God will take care of me, and I'm hoping that part of that care will include being able to get things in Lima for less than I'm budgeting so that I may not need as much as is my goal. We'll see. I am fighting the feeling of panic, though. Why is it so hard to KEEP trusting God?

PRAISE: I was able to go to the dentist and was told that what I was sure was a rotting root was NOT! No decay at all!!! WHO HOO!

Ways to pray:  Obviously, continued financial commitments through January 2011. And,
  • Before returning to Peru: provision for: new computer cord, one pair new shoes, some specific toiletries and underwear (very hard to find in Peru the way many U.S. women like to have them), new drivers license, and a small pocket chart that I wanted to buy for my classroom. 
  • On Tuesday: safe travel from South Bend to Atlanta and then Lima, no problems getting a full 180 day tourist visa, and no problems in customs.
  • Peace of mind and energy to get everything done!
I love you and will try to post MUCH more often this year!

Wednesday, February 3

Where do we go from here?

Well, Year Two in Peru is officially over. We have returned safely to Elkhart. Cindy will not be returning to Peru due to her need for stronger medication for her Rheumatoid Arthritis. Emily will be returning to Lima on February 16 (we bought round-trip tickets to come back to the U.S. because it was cheaper than one way).

We hope that Emily will be able to stay in Lima to teach for one more year, for several reasons. The previous third grade teacher thought she'd be in the States for two years, but now will not return to Lima for one more year. After two years of teaching the third grade curriculum, Emily is just finally starting to feel like she's got the hang of it, and could really do a great job. And with one more year of exposure and one year of tutoring, Emily could really get the hang of Spanish, too!

We hope to send a summary letter with pictures out to everyone soon. We thank EVERYONE for their prayers and financial support over the last year. God used you greatly.

Here are our prayer requests now:
  • Cindy: provision of work, medical care, and medicines. She will be pursuing the possibility of getting Disability status in order to help with the medical issues of RA. She is also desiring to begin work on Early Childhood Education classes as she feels she has finally found her vocation in teaching pre-k. (YEAH!) Also, the miraculous provision of a vehicle for her use (since we both sold our cars before leaving for Peru).
  • Emily: provision of financial support of $600 per month in order to return to MCS for one last year of teaching in Lima (and to be able to make student loan payments). Also, prayer for provision of the next step after this year: Emily is open to Mennonite Missions opportunities (especially in Peru), or in various programs in the States of teaching while getting her education degree.
We cannot thank you all enough for your support through our trials. Living and teaching in a foreign country has made a big impact on both of us, and we hope to be able to share more about our experiences with all of you!