Tuesday, December 22

Peru Year Three?

Well, folks, Year Two in Peru is drawing to a close. I can't quite believe it!

I sent 15 more third graders off into summer vacation last Thursday. We had a bit of a roller coaster last week of school as we practiced feverishly for our Christmas Program and then had to cancel it Thursday an hour before school let out: we had a confirmed case of the swine flu, and per health regulations, suspended all activities for 8 days. Oh well.

I'm writing at this late hour before heading off into the Andes for nine days of vacation with Mom and Dad and Cindy! Yes, Cindy's back has healed so she is nearly back to where she was before her horrific herniated disk- she is still doing daily exercises but the fact that she CAN do them is a PRAISE to God! She will not be able to go on a couple of hikes, but she's able to do most. Your prayers for her and for all of us during the next nine days would be appreciated.

After returning to Lima on the 30th, I will have to make a decision regarding next year: Cindy will NOT be able to return to Peru due to her rheumatoid arthritis (RA) becoming more severe and medication needs changing. However, I have realized that I would like to have one more year of teaching third grade here, one more year of getting more involved in different ministries in areas around Lima and beyond Lima, one more year of truly studying Spanish and using it more fluently.

I've been agonizing about making a decision, and I realized recently it's not my decision, it's God's. Just like it was last February.So, after much prayer, we're doing what we did then: laying out a fleece and waiting for God's answer.

I am asking two things: 1) prayer concerning a possible way to get some support through an organization called Go World Ministries and 2) your prayerful consideration of any further financial support you could give in 2010.

I know the economy and job situation in the States is pretty terrible. If I stay, Cindy will also be trying to find ways to speak at churches, etc to help raise support for me. We do not want anyone to feel pressured to support me financially. However, God provides blessings in surprising ways, so even though I feel unbelievably unworthy to ask, I also know that God's answer to "seek and you will find" can't come if I never ask at all.

Please reply by email any of your thoughts regarding this, including any thoughts you might have on options in the States, should Peru Year Three not be in God's plan for me. I am often surprised and blessed by the insights you all have shared with me in the past.

Thank you and Merry Christmas,
Emily Leinbach

Sunday, December 6

Plans for the Future

God tells us not to make them. He tells us that He knows the plans He's made for us. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow, let alone the days after tomorrow. He tells us that He will provide for us even more than He provides for the lilies of the field and the birds singing in the trees outside.

And yet, we are human, and so much of our time is spent making plans. Thinking about the future. Worrying about what will happen tomorrow and in the days after tomorrow. Ensuring that my obligations are met (paying bills, etc) isn't anti-God, at least I don't think it is. God wants my testimony to be one of integrity. So of course, I should plan ahead enough to use what God has given me wisely.

The planning He doesn't want us to do is the kind that causes us anxiety, angst, and even anger. The kind that is always paired with worry. The kind of planning that we allow to lock us up, and then locked into that schedule of plans, we stop listening for the breath of Life in our lives, and we stop responding to the calling of His Spirit.

So, I've been thinking a lot about the future. Trying to make plans, to make decisions, to "know God's will" for me.

We came two years ago to Peru, committed to two years. Last year, it looked like maybe we wouldn't be able to return. God answered us in a mighty way: He provided $14,000 pledged commitments in one week. We had our direction: God provides, we go.

Now we are at the end of Peru Year Two. And Cindy is at the end of her Peru possibilities. Due to the severity of her rheumatoid arthritis, she needs different medication. The cost of obtaining these medications in Peru is prohibitive. (She received a long-awaited phone call from assistance programs on the day that our whole school was doing a special day of prayer: for the current teachers at MCS and God's plans for them. Again, God answers.) So, Cindy will be boarding a plane on January 17 and leaving to return home "for good".

Which leaves me. The principal made it very clear months ago that she was praying for miraculous provision of funds for both of us to stay. She's "accepted Cindy's departure" but isn't ready to concede yet that I won't be back. :)

For the last week or two I've been "trying to decide" what I should do: should I pursue some new avenues of financial support, should I ask the opinion of the friends and family who have already sacrificed so much to support us thus far?

And last night I went to the church of a man who works as part of the cleaning crew at the school. He asked me and several others to come to his church to speak to his young people's group about missions. I live in one of the nicest areas of Lima. His church was not. I loved it. And sitting there, singing and listening to the sharing of the "other missionaries" I realized several things.
  1. I have always been, am now, and will always be a missionary. It's just a matter of where God puts me: close to "home" or far away, I live to be a witness to Jesus Christ, wherever He puts me and however He provides for me- jobs, gifts, lottery, whatever. My life is a mission for Christ, and I have no idea where that will take me.
  2. I don't have to "decide what to do" because I already know what to do: go where He tells me to go. I just have to know how to hear where He tells me to go. Two years ago it was an email from a dear friend, and being laid off three days later. One year ago it was incredible provision of seemingly insurmountable financial needs. This year, it's whether God will provide $600 a month for me to return to Peru to teach the third grade class at Monterrico Christian School one more year.
  3. I don't have to worry. God already provided a way back to Peru for me (for the first time, it was cheaper for us to get round-trip tickets, so I have a return flight already paid for). If God doesn't provide the funding support, then He doesn't want me here in Lima, He wants me somewhere else, and I'll promise to keep listening, and to go when I do hear.
  4. I've learned this all before! Why do I forget these things?
So, here is our end of the year status: Cindy stays in the States for sure, Emily is praying a lot, and waiting a lot, and relearning to trust a lot.

Will you please pray for us?
  • The last two weeks of school are always hectic and stressful: tests, grades, Christmas program, packing up classrooms, etc.
  • MOM AND DAD ARE COMING!!!!! In one week I will be waiting at the airport for my parents! Pray for safe travels.
  • We have nothing solid planned for my parents, and this is also stressful: pray for provision of affordable travel on short-notice, and that God would make clear where we can also be useful to others- we want to do some "missions trip" kind of things too, not just play tourist.
  • Cindy's body during our travels, specifically Machu Picchu and Puno, which are mountainous.
We love you all and thank you for your prayers and support!
In Him-