Monday, March 13

What would Jesus Do?

Yes, that phrase is incredibly overused, and as a result, conveys little impact.

Yet that is the phrase that comes to mind when I think of the Christian Peacekeeping Teams.

Growing up Mennonite, the word "peace" is one that I heard extensively. It was only after going to college that I began to get even an inkling of how my understanding of this word was unique. Like sandpaper rubbing on exposed skin, my deeply held concept of "peace" continues to be abraded by the ideas of the world in which I live. This is a topic that divides with less-than-peaceful results, and this division is especially evident within the Christian community. I have even, at times, avoided discussing the topic of peace, and therefore war, with my Christian friends.

But this weekend, the secular news included information on the death of Tom Fox, one of the 4 Christian Peacekeeping Team members that have been held hostage in Iraq. And because of the discovery of his tortured corpse, the philosophy behind CPT is getting just a sliver of media coverage. Tom's deeply-rooted beliefs are coming to light, and people are being presented with an alternative to jihad.

I would like to write further on this subject, but do not have time right now. Perhaps I shall work on something for future posting. I would however, like to point the reader to for information (including Tom's own writing) about this remarkable organization. Notice the question posed in the website's banner.

The phrase whispers through my thoughts in quiet remonstrance: what would Jesus do, emily? and what are you doing?

Am I just believing my faith, or am I actually living it?

1 comment:

  1. I was asking my mom about Mennonites and peace. She grew up in a Mennonite church...but it was different than typical, I guess. She said people in her church even went into the military. I wish i could explain my views, but I haven't been really able to put them into words either.
