Tuesday, December 22

Peru Year Three?

Well, folks, Year Two in Peru is drawing to a close. I can't quite believe it!

I sent 15 more third graders off into summer vacation last Thursday. We had a bit of a roller coaster last week of school as we practiced feverishly for our Christmas Program and then had to cancel it Thursday an hour before school let out: we had a confirmed case of the swine flu, and per health regulations, suspended all activities for 8 days. Oh well.

I'm writing at this late hour before heading off into the Andes for nine days of vacation with Mom and Dad and Cindy! Yes, Cindy's back has healed so she is nearly back to where she was before her horrific herniated disk- she is still doing daily exercises but the fact that she CAN do them is a PRAISE to God! She will not be able to go on a couple of hikes, but she's able to do most. Your prayers for her and for all of us during the next nine days would be appreciated.

After returning to Lima on the 30th, I will have to make a decision regarding next year: Cindy will NOT be able to return to Peru due to her rheumatoid arthritis (RA) becoming more severe and medication needs changing. However, I have realized that I would like to have one more year of teaching third grade here, one more year of getting more involved in different ministries in areas around Lima and beyond Lima, one more year of truly studying Spanish and using it more fluently.

I've been agonizing about making a decision, and I realized recently it's not my decision, it's God's. Just like it was last February.So, after much prayer, we're doing what we did then: laying out a fleece and waiting for God's answer.

I am asking two things: 1) prayer concerning a possible way to get some support through an organization called Go World Ministries and 2) your prayerful consideration of any further financial support you could give in 2010.

I know the economy and job situation in the States is pretty terrible. If I stay, Cindy will also be trying to find ways to speak at churches, etc to help raise support for me. We do not want anyone to feel pressured to support me financially. However, God provides blessings in surprising ways, so even though I feel unbelievably unworthy to ask, I also know that God's answer to "seek and you will find" can't come if I never ask at all.

Please reply by email any of your thoughts regarding this, including any thoughts you might have on options in the States, should Peru Year Three not be in God's plan for me. I am often surprised and blessed by the insights you all have shared with me in the past.

Thank you and Merry Christmas,
Emily Leinbach

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