Sunday, September 26

Already? Third quarter's ending????

It's nearing the end of September, and that means that it's almost the end of third quarter. I am at school late to start organizing papers for grades... report cards.... I *love* them so much. Sigh. This too shall pass.

I am sad that time is passing so swiftly. It is sad for me to think that I won't be doing this next year, watching a new classroom full of children master long division. It is extra sad to think about because I don't have anything to replace it with (yet). I have no idea what I'll be doing next year, and I can't see how it could possibly be as enjoyable as teaching third grade. Prayer, as always, is appreciated. Job leads are also appreciated. I've gotta get back to school to get my education classes so I can be certified to teach in the States!  (not that it would matter much; from what i've heard from friends, teaching jobs are scarce.)

I am starting something new with my class tomorrow. I am going to start the day with praise and worship songs. I realized Friday night (at a praise and worship session led by some high school students from another school) that our kids don't ever praise God in a time for just praising and worshiping. we sing songs at chapel, but they are not really songs sung TO God for His glory. Not songs that lead our hearts into attitudes of reverence, obedience, service, thankfulness, etc etc. SO, I've got some songs off Youtube that have the words so that my kids can sing them, and we're going to start our days with some praise and worship. hopefully they'll learn a core group of 6-8 songs by heart, inside and out, that will pop into their heads for the rest of their lives. Like so many songs I learned when I was young. I've also found some Spanish ones, and I'm going to work on getting the third grade Spanish teacher to come in also (just not sure what her schedule is at the start of the day). On Tuesdays, I'm thinking about going up to the music room and using the piano to sing/teach since Miss Skillo of fifth grade is free on Tuesdays and is a great piano player. (If only Miss Shirk could come play guitar....)

Anyway, please pray for this, because it might really feel strange to some of the kids, especially at first. But I want them to learn how to praise and pray and thank God together, in a group of their peers and with adults. And I hope it will help the rest of the day go smoothly, too. God-centered.

Will let you know what happens. (This is supposed to update to Facebook, but no matter how many times i've set it up, it doesn't, so i'll keep posting links... or you can become a "follower" and i think it will email you when I post a new blog... i think????  Love you all, and thanks for your support.   ~emily

1 comment:

  1. Well you are interesting enough for me to read your blogs you even though I myself am not relegious. So far I really respect the manner that you come across and so I shall follow you.

    I don't pray, but I definitely wish you the best of luck and will send out positive thoughts for you.

    I hope I didn't offend you in any way.
