Friday, September 30

i have nothing to say...

...but lissa tells me i should aim for one post per week... so i thought while i had a moment free at lunch i'd create a new post... isn't this exciting?

i guess i could talk about how excited i am that it's getting colder... that i was thrilled when i had to get out a bedcover warmer than a sheet last night... that i was positively exuberant to have to dig out my black leather jacket before leaving for work yesterday...

i love autumn. quite possibly my favorite season. very near to zero humidity. nice brisk breezes. trees of blazing colors. the smell and sounds of the leaves as they drop to the earth. the satisfying crunch of piles of brittle brown leaves on the sidewalks.

of course, there is the minor inconvenience of allergies... sigh. no season is perfect.

take summer, for instance. sure, great sun, great sand, great bar-b-ques, great amounts of daylight, but the midwest humidity often makes it oppressive to actually take advantage of any of it...

and spring. the promise and excitement of new life, watching the tulips push their way up through the thawing soil, the tantalizing (sp?) wisps of warm air in the breezes... and all that RAIN. man. often with very respectable wind forces. and days of gray overcast skies. dreary.

and then there's winter. beautiful white wonderlands, until the grime of modern life accumulates all over the fresh snow... sure there's winter activities... ice skating (i wobble around like a new-born horse), snowmobiling (except you have to actually have a snowmobile and miles of good trails), down hill skiing (sure, if you can afford to fly out to real mountains, cuz heaven know the things they call mountains in the midwest, ain't), and cross-country skiing (did it once. survived. got a real work out climbing up slopes on my hands and knees...)

the thing about winter, is that it's best enjoyed in God's natural country... winter in cities is just mushy, dirty, sloppy, and long. when good snow does comes, it means digging your car out from under the 8 foot snow plow drift. the icy conditions that dominate in the midwest (cuz it can't seem to stay cold enough to snow, but loves to sleet and rain in February) just mean that you risk your life every time you venture out into the streets where other people (stupider than you) get behind the wheel and think they can drive like they do in July. and there is so little sunlight... i end up spending all my daylight hours inside, at work.

but if you could spend winter out in the "wilds"... then the work you'd end up doing would be outdoors, and with proper protective clothing that's ok, cuz then you get the sunlight. and the white trails through dark green pine forests... and frozen ponds/lakes... and icicles the size of broadswords...

anyway, autumn is just good all around, city and country.
except for the allergies thing. sigh. no season is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud! And you had a nice post even if it started out like I was pulling your teeth. I also noticed that many of the bad things about certain seasons don't apply in humidity and sleet and endless days of rain. Granted we don't have so many colors in fall, but hey, that's why the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything lament never having been to Boston in the Fall.
