Friday, January 6

I am a bad, bad blogger

But that is mostly because I want to be a better blogger. You see, I have logged onto my blog 3-4 times since my last post, but have spent the time trying to "figure out" things before actually posting. And then, I run out of time, and I never actually write anything.


I am mostly trying to "figure out" html stuff. I have never had the chance to learn ANYTHING about html, but I am intrigued by the possibilities that exist for someone who actually understands html. So, I have successfully figured out how to add links to other websites on my sidebar - see them? (now, I haven't yet worked out how to change the font, size, or color of the links list, but hey- baby steps!)


Recently, my "figuring out" efforts have involved trying to understand how to link my posts to another blog or comment... I'm close to that, I just have to add some text to the html template and start experimenting. But "figuring out" takes time, and a not-dead brain. Alas, right now in my life, those two requirements don't often happen concurrently. L


So, I will endeavor to try to write something as soon as I log in - BEFORE I start looking "behind the curtain". 


And, just so you all know, this is the second time I've written this post- the first time I actually logged on and when I tried posting it, nothing doing. Who knows why? But I lost the post. So now, I am using the "email a post to your blog" option, which gives me less control but at least seems to always work! I was tempted just to go on to something else (I hate trying to re-write things I've written), but decided I needed to practice some discipline and DO SOMETHING if I want it done! So- I am going to post a blog today if it takes me a hundred re-writes!!! *grin*


Merry Christmas (a little late) and Happy New Year!



  1. Yay! You're making progress!

    (Roger says HTML isn't that hard to learn, but I have never taken much effort to try.)

  2. You mentioned to me this week you had 3 things you wanted blog it's time to put any one of those into a blog entry. :)
