Friday, January 13

what's with the weather???

Snow flurries one day, rainy the next, sunny all day with high of upper 40's the next...

It's like God is going through a mid-life crisis! Except, of course, that since He's eternal, he will never reach a point that is the middle of His life. And even if He did, He's God, so he wouldn't go through a mid-life crisis- He knows everything, right? So there'd be no point to any mid-life crisis, since He knows how everything will work out just fine. And besides, usually mid-life crisis' have to do with wanting to reclaim youth, being anxious about getting older, etc. And since God is already older than anything else and at the same time in His youth since He has a never-ending existence still before Him, then He would never feel any of those mid-life feelings anyway.

Okay, crazy I know- but if you really stop to think about this line of thinking- well, it makes my brain hurt. How can someone who always has been, be old OR young? And at the same time, how can they NOT be either of those things? How can infinity exist, anyway??? Aaaaaahhhhh! Too much, too much... rocking back and forth now....


Basically, I'd just like a little consistency in the weather. That's all. Oh wait, I live in the Midwest. I am asking the impossible.

(except- nothing is impossible with God, because he is all-powerful... and if He's all-powerful that means there is no limit to what he is capable of. So if He's all-powerful and still making the Midwest the weather schizophrenic of America, then how can I argue? Except Lot argued. And God changed His mind. But did He really change His mind or since He already knows everything, did He already know that Lot was going to argue and so said what He said in order to make Lot argue? Maybe the point was that Lot needed to argue, not that God changed His mind... Aaaahhhh! My brain my brain!)


I'm glad God gave us brains that we don't understand (let alone use) but about 10% of, aren't you? Imagine if we had access to all of it, what a horrendous thing that would be- the questions coursing through my brain now are little, but if I could use ALL my brain, my ponderings would increase exponentially, and THEN what horrid pain I would bring upon myself as my brain overloaded and fried! I'd be stuck in a corner rocking back and forth forever... (forever? Didn't we just talk about that?.... really thought we'd just discussed that.)


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