- Shedd Aquarium: Friday Apr 13 @9:00 (for a program interpretor position interacting with the general visiting public. at the interview i will be presenting a 15 min demo about coral that i created- did you know vinegar dissolves coral?)
- Jewish Family & Children Council: Tuesday Apr 17 @10:00 (for a one-on-one mentoring position for children and adults with developmental and mental disabilities- part time to supplement- ofc is nearby in West Rogers Park)
- Christian Century Magazine: Tuesday Apr 17 @3:00 (for a receptionist/editorial assistant position beginning in May- downtown ofc right across from the Art Institute)
You'll notice i have two on next tuesday- that is because i will be working a temp job starting on monday, but i had already told the temp agency i was not available on the 17th for a job that ended up falling through. SO- i will start working in Evanston (about 20 minutes by train) on monday at the Rotary international ofcs- putting data from letters received into their database and generating return letters, i think. it is a job predicted to last 3-4 weeks and pays $13/hr! This is such a relief and (of course) another answer to prayer! Just when i start to feel overwhelmed, God comes through again. How do people live without God?
Also, I received a call today from a woman at church who had a job lead for cindy. cindy also is dog-sitting this weekend in addition to her part time daycare assistant hours this week.
i applied for a forebearance on my student loans for three months, and was worried it would not go through before the loan payment was automatically deducted; but i checked online today and the forbearance was approved and the autopayment did not go through!
i am hopeful that tomorrow cindy and i can take the car for an estimate on what damage has been done to our brakes, so that we can plan on how much we need to repair them so we have a car for use when job searching, as well.
it's cold and crappy weather outside, but the rain i'm feeling inside today is sweet and refreshing! Thank you Jesus!
(by the way, does anyone out there need an almost-full bag of hydrated lime?)
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