Monday, January 10

Weather still exists.

Well, dear friends, weather DOES still exist. Not here in Lima (Except for last Wednesday night, when it actually RAINED for the first time in 3 years), but it does still exist. I'd forgotten about weather. I'd forgotten about organizing one's life around weather, according to the weather, as a result of unexpected weather.

This morning, God, and my good friend Dana Chen, reminded me that weather still exists. I have a ticket to leave Lima tonight, arrive in Atlanta tomorrow morning, and fly into Chicago at 11 a.m. Dana is picking me up and driving me the couple of hours to Elkhart, Indiana, and home. Well, at least, that was the plan, before The Weather.

Dana remembers that weather exists (living in Chicago, one cannot forget it), and so she was smart enough to check my flights when she heard about the storms in the southeast... I didn't even KNOW about storms, and it NEVER would have occurred to me to check. Because weather doesn't exist here. You never have to check anything. Ever.  Dana checked. And this morning by 11:00, my flight from ATL to Chicago had already been canceled.  So she called me. And I tried to log into my itinerary and couldn't. So she called Delta, and discovered my NEW travel arrangements.

NEW travel arrangements: Arrive in ATL at 8:00 a.m. Sit in ATL airport until 7:30 p.m. Leave for DETROIT. Stay in Detroit airport until 7:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Fly to Chicago. Instead of 12 hours travel time: 36 hours, plus some driving.  I am not too excited about this. For many reasons. One of which is buying airport food for a day and a half is NOT in my budget... (since my support was only through December, I am now officially unemployed). Any way....

Had sister Cindy call Delta reservations for me. Cuz let's face it, wouldn't Delta prefer it if I just took myself out of the equation for a few days? I'd much rather enjoy the weatherless summer of Lima for a few extra days than to sit around enduring various airports in uncomfortable seats and public restrooms, with no traveling companions to watch my ultra heavy carry-on bags...

So, now I am leaving Lima SATURDAY night/Sunday morning. And arriving in Chicago Sunday at 11:00 a.m. And Dana will still pick me up and drive me home to Indiana. And there will be whoopie pies from Auntie JoAnn, and much rejoicing.

Assuming the weather holds.

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