Tuesday, April 18

My first-ever Guest Posting

Okay, so my sister read my blog, and actually emailed me a response, and said she'd greatly like me to post it if I approved. I have to say, she put into words better than I have. Makes me feel not quite so silly about the four little rocks sitting under my computer screen... each one chosen to go there because it was unique and amazing. Thanks, cindy.



The following entry is by Cindy....


Yes, she really, really, really likes rocks, all shapes sizes and colors...it doesn't matter...MLE likes rocks.  There is just something about what they symbolize I think that has her fascinated.  Rocks are little pieces of history, a tiny (or not so tiny) snap shot of the world as it was when the rock was formed. From weather patterns to pollen levels there is a massive amount of information contained in each and every rock.   When you hold a rock you are holding an incredible amount of information.   Information that may be hundreds or thousands of years old can be found in a rock of any shape, size or color.  A rock can travel over such an incredible area over its extremely long 'life' cycle.  You can hold in your hand a rock that may have been held by a settler heading west hundreds of years ago. The rock you hold may have been brought to a different continent by a young child using it as part of his game.  Each rock would have an amazing story to tell if only they could.  The pebble you kick off the sidewalk today may have been part of a mighty mountain in times past, you just never know.  Aside from the history of rocks there lies within rocks such beauty that one can never tire discovering the next one.  Just go to any lake, stream, or ocean and look at the rock along the water line.  The smooth well worn curves, the vibrant colors of some, the neutral simplicity of others, these are things that MLE notices and admires.  The shocking difference in appearance between the same rock when it is wet or it is dry. The wonder and power of God to have incorporated such awesome things as rocks into our everyday lives is something MLE is thankful for.  I get a little frustrated with the amount of rocks that Emmy wants to bring home with her every time she goes to the lake, or woods.  Sometimes I need to remind myself why she likes them, and that maybe I should join her more often in looking at the wonder of creation that lies all around us....even in a city like Chicago.




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