Thursday, April 13

oh dear, what a long time...

too long, i know. i've missed so much.
right now, i'm at work, and my head hurts. and since i've missed so much, i'm not really going to try to write anything out. i'm going to take the "bare bones" approach, and simply write some one-liners that may tell a little bit about what's been going on in my life. i'll even put in some pics. the pics may not actually match what i'm writing, but they'll be nice pics.
If you read something you'd like some more detail on, please feel free to comment, or to call me and i'll tell you anything you'd like to know. or call me and i'll call you back using the minutes i never use up every month on my cell phone plan. :) seriously. okay, here we go:
  1. i'd forgotten until yesterday how very humid the midwest is during the summer. it wasn't even humid yesterday, it just was that you could feel the tiniest bit of humidity when you walked out the door into the balm spring morning air- and i remembered in that instant what it is going to be like for months on end in the not-too-distant future.
  2. yesterday i checked craig's list every hour on the hour for free or unbelievably cheap air conditioners, and no longer felt slightly silly for the two already in the trunk of our car (we may not be able to use the one, but it was free).
  3. this is the time of year when the weather can't decided anything other than that it's not going to decided. therefore, it's a crap shoot as to whether the particular building you walk into will be imitating a sauna or an igloo, depending on which decision the buildng engineer has made.
  4. i dress in layers, and brought my heater/fan in to work to try to counteract whichever choice the weather and our building have seen fit%2

1 comment:

  1. Of all you wrote, the thing that stuck out to me the most is the statement about your mom. Any expansion on that would be great--in email or on blog.
