Sunday, February 4

another week, different focal points

Last week, and the weeks leading up to last saturday, were mostly focused on the fact that i was taking the Biology content Exam (for teachers) at 1:30 p.m. saturday january 27. spent a fair bit of time studying- more than i have since graduating college- and preparing myself mentally to fail the hardest test i've ever taken. i went into it honestly without much anxiety, because i have other opportunities to take the test, and i had no idea what to expect- so, i'll go and see what it's like so i know how to study for my next attempt.
The test is over now, and it was both easier and harder than i expected it to be. Easier in that the biology content was within my scope of knowledge. i felt fairly comfortable with how i did on the biology content. so what (you may be wondering) content was there other than biology? i mean,wasn't this the "Biology Content Exam"? yes, it was. however, you cannot separate out the sciences like you can different languages; you cannot have biology with chemistry, physics, ecology, etc. so, all of the science content exams have a block of questions that cover all of the sciences. i knew this going in. however, i did not expect to be on question 78 of 125 and be wondering "where's the biology?"
So, it was harder in that there was much more non-bio content than i was expecting, and really much more content in the areas of astronomy, earth science, and geology than i was expecting. cell plates formed in plant cells during mitosis? i got that covered. tectonic plates and how they form "island-arc systems" in western north america? not so much.
there were several questions that i managed to remember well enough to look up the answers when i got home (i love the internet) and i believe i chose wisely on all of those. so, i am hopeful that i was able to make good test-taking decisions even on the questions i had not a clue on the answer. post-test, i'd say there was a much better chance of my passing the test than i previously thought; so now, i'm hoping that maybe i won't have to take it again. I won't be surprised wither way- whether i pass or fail- it's a coin toss at this point.

so the new week brought new things to focus on- namely my interview for the Chicago Teaching Fellows Program on February 10. i'm working on my five-minute sample lesson (i think i've finally settled on a topic) and re-reading the materials they sent to be used in the round-table discussion and writing sample. i've ordered my transcripts (please God let them arrive on time!) and am trying to find suitable clothing to wear. i really need a new pair of all-purpose black shoes. it sounds frivolous, but it's really not- i'm trying to put together something that is professional yet comfortable and gives a good impression while also making me feel like i know what i'm doing. and all my choices seem to come down to the fact that i haven't got black shoes. sigh. i have one pair that is nearing falling apart, but the falling apart isn't visible- they look great, they feel horrible. but, i'll prolly make them do. i shouldn't have to be on my feet for much of the day.

and then this new week also brought the sad end of a focus of my life for the last nine months- Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro was euthanized on Monday morning (jan. 29). I make a point of watching the Derby every year- i usually tape it- and then the Preakness and Belmont Stakes. i'm not a horse racing fan, but i am a Triple Crown fan. not sure why, except that God seems to have created especially beautiful examples of power, grace and beauty in these elegant and sometimes feisty creatures. i've always loved horses, and always wished to know them better- but haven't had much opportunity for long-term horsemanship in my sphere of life. so, i watch the triple crown. i think partly because i grew up hearing my mom talk about watching Secretariat, and how she admired him and his incredible athleticism. I hope every year to catch the next Secretariat- to find that next horse with the incredible talent and ability and the personality, heart, and spirit to match.

last may at the Kentucky Derby, i found my best candidate for that horse in Barbaro. and apparently, so did a lot of other people. i cried after the Preakness. sure, he was alive, but his body was no longer a race horse, while his heart and mind were. So, monday when he died, i sat and watched all his races (kentucky derby website) and cried and for the first time ever found myself wishing that animals go to heaven. or, found myself fervently wishing that parallel universes really existed. people ask me why i got so involved with Barbaro- why his ups and downs could bring tears to my eyes- and really i think it's this: my soul grieves for the race horse that never raced- that future Barbaro, the horse that was just being tapped when he was brought to a screeching halt. last may 20 i found myself wanting those parallel universes because there was something very comforting in thinking that somewhere that horse was still breezing, still working, still running and winning races. monday i cried and i also thought that although he stopped living today, part of him had died last may. and perhaps, in the long run, never being able to run again would have been too much for him?

so, i grieved for the unhappy end to the saga, and watched his races again, and said goodbye, and moved on to the next focus of the week: Scott, Kirsten and Sarah Johnson coming to Chicago for a brief weekend scouting trip! i haven't seen them in five years (Sarah had just turned 3) and they are considering moving to the Chicago area. lemme tell you- the excitement of seeing them again was a big motivation all week! i got to spend all day Friday with them, tooling around the western 'burbs with a realtor giving them a "brief introduction to the communities, and what you can expect for your money in them". i was thrilled to be able to hang out and "meet" Sarah, now close to 8, and catch a glimpse of the wonderful person she's becoming. I was privileged to be able to hear from Scott and Kirsten how this process has progressed, and how it has tested and strengthened them both, and will continue to do so. i was hoping to be able to hang with them Saturday a.m. before their flight home, but it didn't work out. my biggest regret is that i was planning on taking a pic of them and Sarah on my phone Saturday... oh, well- it's likely they will do another of these trips in the future.

so, now it's sunday, february 4- SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! and in about 2 hours the Chicago Bears and the Indianapolis Colts will kickoff a showdown for Midwestern bragging rights. I go on the record now- I am pulling for the BEARS. GO BEARS GO!

This week's focus: my interview event with Chicago Teaching Fellows on Saturday morning/afternoon. i ask for prayers as i prepare and go through the interview. see you all next time!

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