Sunday, March 11

New Blog Layout and Losing an Hour

I have changed my blog layout, which i have been wanting to do; i had grown quite bored of the old one, but hadn't had time nor inclination to change. so, now i have. and now i'm thinking, well isn't this interesting: because i've changed the template the background color is different, and therefore some of my blogs are now really difficult to read, because i had manually selected colors when writing the blogs knowing they'd be on the old background. does that make any sense? i thought about going back and changing all of them, but am i going to do that if i decide to change the template again? so, i'm going to try my best to always leave the text color automatic. hopefully, that will mean that future changes will "automatically" update and be readible??? one can only hope.

so, i apologize to you if you go back and read something and find it really difficult to read because of the text colors.

now, the second part of my late night entry- i despise Daylight Savings Time. absolutely despise this whole changing the clocks every spring and fall. i have yet to find someone, anyone who can give me a truly solid and iron-clad reason for the continued observance of this daylight savings scheme. tonight, i will lose an hour of sleep. those of you who know me will know how very irked that fact makes me. so hear i am, not tired at all yet, but looking at the clock and thinking that i really need to be asleep because it's really ten til one, and not ten til midnight.

sigh. it's always fun showing up at church the morning of the clock switches- people arriving an hour early or an hour late.

of course, then there's people like me, who have recently been an hour (or more) late to church on a day when there was no time change. *grin* love ya'll.

(nothing online about the teaching program yet.)

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