Friday, January 18

So, this is my LAST can of Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper, the last of the gift from a woman named Val who lives at the apartments where i am working (the office is located in the apartment building, and Val is a part-time receptionist at the office). The last day before Christmas weekend, she comes wheelin' in (she uses a motorized wheelchair) saying "you KNOW what you're getting!" And i turn around and there on her lap is a twelve pack of Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper! This then is one of those gifts that i classify as "the best" because it was so perfect for me, and showed that she'd been paying attention to when another coworker and i were talking about how i was going to have to "lay off" getting packs of diet dr. pepper to share with her because i really needed to cut out caffeine, and how much i was going to miss the diet dr. pepper... There she was with twelve cans of happiness!!! I laughed and every time i drank one chuckled again and thought, this was one of The Best Gifts Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, After so many times of lookig at your blogs, I have determined....You still love to "talk" so now you have to "write". I happened to stumble accross the "handyman" business and spoke to your aunt who provided me with your blogs. Now you know with Madison Centers restrictions I am so out of the time with new technology and like I said. 3 or 4 times is the charm. It took 2 of those to read all of your words and It was as if you were still sitting in my office saying "JUDITH I LOVE TO TEACH" and that you are ....IN PERU!. Wow. You are so lucky. Well, I hope you continue to have fun and wonderful experiences there and hopefully I am doing this right and you get my message. I am now working for DAMAR services as a Residential manager. I love it.
