Friday, January 11

Welcome the New Year

Well, it's 2008. And yes, Lawanna, the Broncos DID finish with a losing record, and yes, Indy DID finish wtih a winning record. I choose to focus on the hope that in another month the world can tell the 1972 Dolphins to just stuff it, and there'll be a new undefeated team. That is now just about my only interest in the NFL post-season.

As far as life in general, this winter's been a difficult one for me emotionally and relating to my depression. It appears as though the meds i've been on for years need to be adjusted- not surprising considering that one's body changes a great deal between ages 25 and 35. So, in the coming months i'll be working to find a new pyschiatrist who can help me adjust or change meds to a better therapeutic level. that task is made harder because i do not have any medical insurance. in the meantime, i'm trying hard to be more proactive about doing things to combat the depressive symptoms i'm seeing more of in recent months. i'm sure cindy is eager for me to find a new doctor too.

My mental health is not helped by the fact that two of the biggest variables in life, two of the things that affect a person most on a daily basis, are still very much in limbo for me: where i work and where i live. our lease expires in April, and we're not renewing, but where to go and who to live with (meaning a new third roommate) are nowhere near resolved. and the temp job that seemed to be leading to permanent hire hasn't resulted in that yet, despite it being nearly a month past the time they could have. (temps usually have to be there 3 months before the company can buy out the employee and hire them.) so now, i'm wondering if they've decided not to hire a person full-time (not necessarily not wanting to hire ME, just ANYONE full time) and if so, what that means for me in the future. i'm ready to not be temping anymore.

prayers for all of the above (except maybe the NFL stuff) would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some pics from over the holidays. (which were a BLAST.)

Here you see me and Cindy, with our cousins' kids, Cole, Alec, Jace, Kira, and Kirsten. Can't see us all? Well, the white arm on the far left is me, as are the glasses just visible beneath the aqua arm of the little girl standing up, which is Kira. The young man under MY arm, wearing blue jeans, is the oldest of the Leinbach great-grandchildren, Cole. The two little boys in matching red pjs are Cole's younger brothers, Alec (whose face you can see) and Jace (whose face you can't see). Then there's Cindy wearing the brown sweatshirt and she's in the process (i believe) of tickling Kira's older sister, Kirsten, whose face you also can't see. The green stuffed frog clutched by Jace, is (i believe) known as simply "froggy".

The second picture was taken mere moments after the first. Same cast of people, different body parts visible. hee hee.


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