Friday, October 21

isn't it cool!

...that I can track my friend Deb's progress as she crosses the country from Seattle to Chicago in practically real time? Right now (well, 3 minutes ago) she was traveling at 449 knots at 28,500 feet. And just crossing into Illinois out of Iowa. That's roughly 516 mph for those of us not used to knots being anything other than what you get in shoelaces.


Ten minutes ago she was traveling 459 knots at 29,000 feet. Hmmm... I think they're getting ready to land... so, I need to leave work now, and go meet her at O'Hare. We are taking the train, because who in their right mind would want to drive to O'Hare at 5 p.m. on a Friday? Not me. And I'm not even always in my right mind.


Later guys! I'm off to get Deb!!! (I haven't seen her in years... literally. Can't really remember last time...)



  1. I remember doing a very similar tracking when you came time before last....and then suddenly realizing that I was going to be late picking you up cause I was so busy checking your progress! I hope you didn't fall into that trap.

    On another note--why haven't you linked me? You linked your sister and not ME? You realize, I have known you longer than she has, so really, I should be on your link list!!!!

  2. Say hi to Deb for me!

    My students are in the middle of taking their mid-term in my Com. 311 (Newsreporting and writng class) so I really don't have much to do.

    Scott sent me the link to your blog I'm reading it.

    I'm thinking of doing a study on Blogs to present at an academic conference in the spring. I'm working on topics for the study right now. To tell you the truth I didn't even know about blogs before I took a class last year...and part of the content was on blogging.

    Gotta go...the students are finishing their tests.
